Does It Matter Who Wins Elections?
Does it matter who wins elections?
By: Dr. Danny Purvis
I think the only true way to answer that question is a with a firm, solid, and decisive answer: It depends. I know that’s a weasel answer but it is not really the incorrect one. Every four years (two if you’re a mid-term politics junkie) Believers should struggle with this question in a very significant way. And be clear, I am talking to Believers here…not the world. I am not asking if our “favorite” won or not. I am not asking if you even have a favorite or not. Generally speaking, we all have the person we would like to see as president. That’s why we vote in the first place. If we didn’t care, we wouldn’t vote. It’s just that simple.
But that’s not what I am asking. I am asking you, as a Believer, to think about what it really, ultimately means if your person wins or not. In the long run, does it even matter? Again, there is not an overly simple answer to the question. But if I were to speak generally and only for myself, my conclusion is that the winner of a presidential election really doesn’t matter in the long run. What do I mean by that? I am so glad you asked.
First, please note that I am not saying that whomever gets elected does not have a real, tangible impact on our lives in this country. There is an old saying in politics: Elections have consequences. Every time a “bad” President is elected (however you may decide which one is bad), there are changes to our culture. Freedoms are whittled away. Horrible behavior is lauded as “good”. That is simply a fact of life.
Yes, presidents can enact policies and make decisions that will negatively or positively impact people’s lives in this country. But I need to ask you a question. In God’s Word (which is the only source of truth for a Believer), did God ever promise us (as American Christians) that we would have a free country that would always embrace fairness and democracy? You don’t have to look. It doesn’t say that. And lest you think that I don’t care about our precious freedoms…let me remind you that I served 20 years in the military. I spent 20 years willing to place my life on the line to be able to do my very small part to maintain our way of life. I deployed to combat zones. I spent numerous months away from my family as a part of that service. But I also know that God never, ever promised me that it would never erode. My faith in my God is not tied to the graciousness He has shown to this nation. What would that say to our Brothers and Sisters who live under true dictatorships? I will love Him and trust Him if He allowed it to transform into a dictatorship overnight. Because this country…this world…is not my home.
Why is it then that so many Believers actually believe that “fixes” to our culture can only come if we elect the “right” people? Because as Believers we should never be existentially focused. Never. Existentially aware? Yes. Existentially mindful? Of course. Here is the pure, unadulterated truth related to this subject as it relates to Believers. This earth is not our home. Let me repeat for emphasis. This earth is NOT our home. We are not residents of this planet or this nation. And that is not a symbolic statement. It is what God’s Word tells us over and over again. There are verses upon verses that remind us that we are simply passing through this world and that our true Home will only be realized once we breathe our last breath on this planet. I know Believers say they believe this. But we have too many who act like they don’t.
Of all of the passages that relate this truth, the one that has had the biggest impact on me is 1 Corinthians 15:19: “If in Christ we have hope in this life only, we are of all people most to be pitied” (ESV). Please…go back and read that again. Drink those words in. Devour them as you would food if you were on the edge of starvation. Now, I want you to think about the most pitiable person, group, or situation you have ever heard of or encountered. Maybe it’s the pity you felt for starving children around the world. Maybe it’s when your heart went out to a friend or family member who had to endure some terrible fate. Think about the time you felt the most pity for someone and what they were going through. Now, go back and read that passage again.
Look at the message. If we who are Believers have only this world to hope in…then we are the most pitiable people on the planet. Not the people I just had you remember. We (Believers) are the most to be pitied. Because if heaven doesn’t exist. If the resurrection of our bodies to perfection living an eternity with the God of the universe doesn’t exist. If all that we have is what is on this earth, then Christians are to be the most pitied people on the planet according to God. That’s why elections don’t ultimately matter. Jesus was born under and lived under one of the most brutal dictatorships in the history of the world. And He never mentioned it. He never bemoaned it. He never said: We gotta get these Romans out of power. Jesus didn’t die on the Cross so we would have a great life on this planet. He died so that we would have eternal life with the Father. He never promised a trouble-free life. In fact, He told us the exact opposite was going to happen (John 15:18-20).
And do not mishear me. I am not saying that we should not take part in this democracy. God has given us the great gift of doing so in this country. So by all means…vote. I do. Select the person you think best represents your views. I do. Engage in whatever you think is prudent to get the people you favor elected. Be a vital part of the process. Just do not put your faith in that process. It is a corrupt, imperfect process. All of it. How do I know this? Because it is run by corrupt, imperfect people. How do I know this? Because we are all corrupt and imperfect. God didn’t create politics. But He does use it to accomplish His will. A person isn’t elected president because he or she got the necessary votes. A person is elected president because God in His sovereignty has chosen that person. The vote simply affirms God’s choice. And if you don’t think God will put bad people in positions of supreme leadership, then you haven’t been reading your Bible. If you want to see God’s warning about Believers putting their trust in a secular political paradigm rather than trusting Him, just check out 1 Samuel 8:1-22. Politics is the religion of the world. If you’re a Believer, it’s not your religion.
God has decided who is President of the United States…just as He has from George Washington and forward. In that sense it matters because it is all a part of His will being done. And we should always want His will to be done…don’t we? Might we experience some difficulties as a result of who is in the White House? Of course we might. That’s simply part of the gig. But ultimately, does it matter? It does not. This life? This world? It is temporary. All that matters is whether we truly belong to Him. That’s the way all Believers should believe. Then all Believers would be equally at peace.
-Dr.Danny Purvis
By: Dr. Danny Purvis
I think the only true way to answer that question is a with a firm, solid, and decisive answer: It depends. I know that’s a weasel answer but it is not really the incorrect one. Every four years (two if you’re a mid-term politics junkie) Believers should struggle with this question in a very significant way. And be clear, I am talking to Believers here…not the world. I am not asking if our “favorite” won or not. I am not asking if you even have a favorite or not. Generally speaking, we all have the person we would like to see as president. That’s why we vote in the first place. If we didn’t care, we wouldn’t vote. It’s just that simple.
But that’s not what I am asking. I am asking you, as a Believer, to think about what it really, ultimately means if your person wins or not. In the long run, does it even matter? Again, there is not an overly simple answer to the question. But if I were to speak generally and only for myself, my conclusion is that the winner of a presidential election really doesn’t matter in the long run. What do I mean by that? I am so glad you asked.
First, please note that I am not saying that whomever gets elected does not have a real, tangible impact on our lives in this country. There is an old saying in politics: Elections have consequences. Every time a “bad” President is elected (however you may decide which one is bad), there are changes to our culture. Freedoms are whittled away. Horrible behavior is lauded as “good”. That is simply a fact of life.
Yes, presidents can enact policies and make decisions that will negatively or positively impact people’s lives in this country. But I need to ask you a question. In God’s Word (which is the only source of truth for a Believer), did God ever promise us (as American Christians) that we would have a free country that would always embrace fairness and democracy? You don’t have to look. It doesn’t say that. And lest you think that I don’t care about our precious freedoms…let me remind you that I served 20 years in the military. I spent 20 years willing to place my life on the line to be able to do my very small part to maintain our way of life. I deployed to combat zones. I spent numerous months away from my family as a part of that service. But I also know that God never, ever promised me that it would never erode. My faith in my God is not tied to the graciousness He has shown to this nation. What would that say to our Brothers and Sisters who live under true dictatorships? I will love Him and trust Him if He allowed it to transform into a dictatorship overnight. Because this country…this world…is not my home.
Why is it then that so many Believers actually believe that “fixes” to our culture can only come if we elect the “right” people? Because as Believers we should never be existentially focused. Never. Existentially aware? Yes. Existentially mindful? Of course. Here is the pure, unadulterated truth related to this subject as it relates to Believers. This earth is not our home. Let me repeat for emphasis. This earth is NOT our home. We are not residents of this planet or this nation. And that is not a symbolic statement. It is what God’s Word tells us over and over again. There are verses upon verses that remind us that we are simply passing through this world and that our true Home will only be realized once we breathe our last breath on this planet. I know Believers say they believe this. But we have too many who act like they don’t.
Of all of the passages that relate this truth, the one that has had the biggest impact on me is 1 Corinthians 15:19: “If in Christ we have hope in this life only, we are of all people most to be pitied” (ESV). Please…go back and read that again. Drink those words in. Devour them as you would food if you were on the edge of starvation. Now, I want you to think about the most pitiable person, group, or situation you have ever heard of or encountered. Maybe it’s the pity you felt for starving children around the world. Maybe it’s when your heart went out to a friend or family member who had to endure some terrible fate. Think about the time you felt the most pity for someone and what they were going through. Now, go back and read that passage again.
Look at the message. If we who are Believers have only this world to hope in…then we are the most pitiable people on the planet. Not the people I just had you remember. We (Believers) are the most to be pitied. Because if heaven doesn’t exist. If the resurrection of our bodies to perfection living an eternity with the God of the universe doesn’t exist. If all that we have is what is on this earth, then Christians are to be the most pitied people on the planet according to God. That’s why elections don’t ultimately matter. Jesus was born under and lived under one of the most brutal dictatorships in the history of the world. And He never mentioned it. He never bemoaned it. He never said: We gotta get these Romans out of power. Jesus didn’t die on the Cross so we would have a great life on this planet. He died so that we would have eternal life with the Father. He never promised a trouble-free life. In fact, He told us the exact opposite was going to happen (John 15:18-20).
And do not mishear me. I am not saying that we should not take part in this democracy. God has given us the great gift of doing so in this country. So by all means…vote. I do. Select the person you think best represents your views. I do. Engage in whatever you think is prudent to get the people you favor elected. Be a vital part of the process. Just do not put your faith in that process. It is a corrupt, imperfect process. All of it. How do I know this? Because it is run by corrupt, imperfect people. How do I know this? Because we are all corrupt and imperfect. God didn’t create politics. But He does use it to accomplish His will. A person isn’t elected president because he or she got the necessary votes. A person is elected president because God in His sovereignty has chosen that person. The vote simply affirms God’s choice. And if you don’t think God will put bad people in positions of supreme leadership, then you haven’t been reading your Bible. If you want to see God’s warning about Believers putting their trust in a secular political paradigm rather than trusting Him, just check out 1 Samuel 8:1-22. Politics is the religion of the world. If you’re a Believer, it’s not your religion.
God has decided who is President of the United States…just as He has from George Washington and forward. In that sense it matters because it is all a part of His will being done. And we should always want His will to be done…don’t we? Might we experience some difficulties as a result of who is in the White House? Of course we might. That’s simply part of the gig. But ultimately, does it matter? It does not. This life? This world? It is temporary. All that matters is whether we truly belong to Him. That’s the way all Believers should believe. Then all Believers would be equally at peace.
-Dr.Danny Purvis
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Love this. Thank you !